Timeline: A Walk Through History

Features various displays starting with African Heritage, moving to American experiences in slavery, fights for freedom, histories of community building and education, the Harlem Renaissance, Civil Rights, Kwanzaa, and returns to Africa with “A New Day Begins: Free Elections In South Africa.”

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  • Family Heritage House Hours

    Please reach out to us if you plan on visiting FHH or the State College of Florida during the weekend to schedule an appointment.


The Family Heritage House is open during the following weekday hours & by appointment. Hours may fluctuate due to staffing; please call ahead to verify our hours.

Monday By Appt.
Tuesday 11:00-3:00 p.m.
Wednesday 11:00-3:00 p.m.
Thursday 11:00-3:00 p.m.
Friday By Appt.
Saturday By Appt.
Sunday Closed